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- Acting for film & TV, School of dramatic arts de Trap  (2019/2021)

- Strasberg method by Andre Landzaat, Mulholland Academy (2018/2019)

- Scene study by Alex Murphy, Mulholland Academy         (2018/2019)

- On camera acting by Alex Murphy, Mulholland Academy    (2018/2019)

- Preliminary acting training, FAAAM                     (2018)

Special skills:

Language: Dutch (native), English, Flemish

Accents:  Dutch, RP, US standard

Vehicle:  Driver's license, motorcycle license

Skills:   Guitar, Tailor, Beatboxing, jogging, ice skating,

          jiu jitsu, stage combat


Height: 5ft11 / 180cm

Weight: 70kg / 154lb

Hair: Dark brown 

Eyes: Blue grey

Build: Slim

Playing age: 25 - 35

Geoffrey Alkemade headshot 13-7-22_333.png
Side profile by Rory Lewis
Geoffrey Alkemade headshot 26-12-22.png

Film                                Role                                  Producer/Director

De verloren nacht (short 2024)      Bas (lead)                            Dice prod / Jorrit Bouwmans

The Last Empire (short 2023)        Captain Hans Ryker (lead)             B.u.a.s / Paul Bianchi

Al Milenium (feature 2023)          Axel C (supporting)                   Vaulerion / Hakim Amir

Atlantikwall (feature 2021)         Hans (supporting lead)                Wisemenfilm / Oskow Bayhan

Not good enough (short 2021)        George Leclerc (supporting)           B.u.a.s / Anuskia van Samson

Zussen (feature 2021)               Alexander Woods (lead)                de Trap /  Sytske van der Ster

Ratjetoe (short 2020)               James (lead)                          de Trap / Erik van 't Wout

Experiment 14 (short 2020)          Durand Hartman (lead)                 Dutch Filmers Academy / Tijs Bruins

Vengeful 7 (feature 2020)           Jan van Outeren (lead)                Doorneden prod / Tristan van Doorn

Bourgeois Absolutie (short 2019)    Student 1 (supporting)                Dice prod / Jorrit Bouwmans

The stolen toys (short 2018)        Agent Timmie (supporting)             BL prod / Niels van Groffen

Prey (feature 2016)                 Journalist (supporting)               Dick Maas & Co / Dick Maas


Nordin (2024)                       Lawyer (2 episodes)                   Fiction Valley/ Joosje Duk

Maxima(2023)                        Citygroup banker (guest)              Millstreet films / Joosje Duk

Goede tijden, Slechte tijden (2022) Handsome stranger (guest)             Endemol shine / Coen van der sluijs

A series of Unbreakable (pilot)     Luke (lead)                           Orangelabelfilms / Mario Dirkx

Morten (episode 3 2019)             Banker (supporting)                   AVROTROS, NPO / Jean van der Velde


Padelclub (commercial 2023)         Lead                                  Blitzprojects / Max Palm

Atlanta S3 promo (social 2022)      Lead                                  Media.Monks / Philip Fountain

AP course (infomercial 2019)        Presenter                             Springstofmedia / Coen Mulder

AED (commercial 2019)               Model                                 Hartstichting

IQ Drive (commercial 2018)          Co-lead                               WEB NL / Yannick Commereuc

Hitachi (commercial 2018)           Model                                 Mamascreen / Marcel Morcus


The Big Al (one act play 2020)      Ricky (co-lead)                       Gogoheart Film&stage / Alex Murphy

REX (shortplay 2019)                Erik (lead)                           Mulholland Academy / Alex Murphy

The Understudy (shortplay 2019)     Harry (supporting)                    Mulholland Academy / Alex Murphy

Heat (shortplay 2019                Vincent Hannah (lead)                 Mulholland Academy / Andre Landzaat

Closer (shortplay 2019)             Dan (lead)                            Mulholland Academy / Andre Landzaat

Magnolia (shortplay 2018)           Lawyer (supporting)                   Mulholland Academy / Alex Murphy

The Glass Menagerie (2018)          Jim O'Connor (supporting)             Mulholland Academy / Andre Landzaat

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